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December 2001

XP Unlocking Kit
AtlantaOC.com has a small review on an Athlon XP Unlocking Kit. This solution even has a gap filler to fill the small gaps AMD has put there to further prevent overclocking (ha!).

USB Ethernet
TechedOut has taken a look a PCMCIA alternative, the Compex Linkport USB Ethernet Adapter and posted a review of it. If you have a laptop and are looking for an Ethernet Adapter, this might be worth a look.

Win XP Mis-representaion
I'm sure everyone's heard of the FBI's warning to consumers about Win XP.. but what you don't know is that the FBI has totally mis-represented the problem. The Register has all the info, so go check it out. Isn't comforting to know that these people are supposed to be protecting our country... great... Smile


Crucial PC2100 Review
3DVelocity has a Crucial PC2100 Review posted up on their site. If you're shopping for DDR RAM, be sure and check this out too.

GF3 Reviews
Legion Hardware has another review up. This time they take a look at the X-Micro Impact 5 T200/T500. That sounds like a review of one or two products (two to the wise man) but it is actually a look at three video cards from X-Micro. They take a look at their GF3, GF3 Ti200, and GF3 Ti500. Worth a read? Yah.

Lian-Li PC-70USB
LegionHardware has a review of a Lian-Li Aluminium PC-70USB Full Tower ATX Case. This is one of those cases you buy me and then you get to be on my list of really good friends. Smile


THX Altec Lansing
EXHardware has a review of some new speakers from Altec Lansing, the ADA890's. These puppies are THX certified as well. I believe they put these out to compete with Klipsch popular promedia line up with are all THX certfied.

Enhance 460W PSU
An Enhance 460w PSU has been reviewed over at RipNet-Uk.com. Enhance is a pretty good brand of power supplies from what I hear, but I have no first hand experience with them. Anyway, if you're looking to make your system really stable, a good PSU is a great place to start.


New Giveaway
OverclockersOnline.com is giving away free stuff! All you have to do is enter their new giveaway and you could win a Z4 watercooler from Overclockers Hideout and an EL wire kit from 2Cooltek. Good luck!

Shuttle AB30R
Active-Hardware has review a new Socket 478 motherboard for some Pentium 4 lovin', the Shutlle AB30R. Shuttle is starting to emerge as a pretty mainstream, high-quality motherboard so it's probably worth reading.


Lian Li PC-65
TweakersAsylum.com has a review of one of my favorite cases to look at, the Lian Li PC-65. This is the cool USB one with all the cool, nifty features. Smile

GeForce 2 Ti
It seems a little odd that people would still be doing review of the GeForce2. But, OverclockersOnline.com's review of the GeForce 2 Ti is different. Because it's a Ti card it's new, not old. So, you guys looking for a bargain should check out this review it should help you out in your shopping.

Swiftech MCXC-370
The one of the guys over at Virtual Hideout has a review of the Swiftech MCXC-370 posted up today. Swiftech makes a pretty damned good product and I am sure the MCXC-370 is no exception. But don't take my word for it; you should read the review.

We're Back?!?
We're FINALLY back up and running after like a week of downtime (or so). I still have no idea as to why we've been down so long. Anyway, if you're reading this, thanks for comming back Smile


Creative Ti500 Review
Still trying to decide what Ti500 based card to get? Check out the reivew of the Creative Labs 3D Blaster GeForce3 Ti500 at 3DVelocity.com. It should help you in your shopping decisions.

Active-Hardware has a new motherboard review up today. They have taken a look at the ECS K7VTA3. I haven't heard anything bad about these boards, but then, again, I haven't heard anything good about them. Smile


Aluminum Case Review
EXHardware has a review of the oh-so-cool Cooler Master ATC-201. This is the "new-ish" aluminum case from Cooler Master. This sports some pretty nice looks and some nice features as well.

Acrtic Alumina
Have you seen a review of Arctic Silver’s Alumina Thermal Paste? If you have not seen one by now, here is review number 441,123,159. Well, not really, but there are a lot of reviews of this paste out there and its pretty good stuff so you should probably check this out.


Samsung Yepp
RatedPC has taken a look at the Samsung Yepp YP-30S. This is a portable MP3 player. The reviewer seems to like it a lot. It's really small and packed with features. The only problem is it's called the "Yepp." Smile

PixelView GF2 Ti
OverclockersOnline has a review of the ProLink PixelView GeForce2 Ti. Not only does the videocard have a long name, but it also has some decent performance at a decent price. Worth a look? I'd say so.


Shuttle AV40-R
OverclockersOnline has a review of the Shuttle AV40-R. This motherboard is based off the P4X266 chipset. So, you AMD guys can skip this one.


E-D Glasses
The Tech Zone has given E-Dimensional's E-D Glasses the once over. This might be worth a look if you're trying to buy one of your gamer friends a gift (or yourself) for the holidays.

HardOCP has a review of the EPoX 8KHA+. This is a bargain board but Kyle seems to like it a lot. So, it might be worth a look, especially if you were foolish enough to buy an ABIT again (like myself) and have it lock up and not detect your Plextor X-RW drive correctly and now you want another motherboard.

Silver Round Cables
Just when you thought all the round cable reviews were gone and it was safe to come back on the internet, GideonTech comes up with a review of some Silver Round Cables. They actually look pretty spiffy. If you're into the color scheme thing with your case, these would match up with an aluminum case pretty good.


Gift Ideas
Do you need some Cheap Techie Gift Ideas? Well The Tech Zone has just what you need. all the gifts on their list are from $100-$9.95. Some good ideas there. Personally, I would want a shirt that says "I Hacked Your Mom." Smile

Punks Busted
The fools who sent the goner virus have been caught and placed under house arrest. While I have never been infected with a virus, some have, and this might make them feel better. Personally, I think it's pretty hard to get infected with a virus. No offense to those that have, but please, don't open emails from people you do not know that have attachments.


Is the Pentium 4 for you? Want to build your own P4 system? Check out the DFI WT70-EC review to weigh it as an option. If that isn't what you're into, you could read the review and laugh at the motherboard. However, I would not advise letting people see you do this. It could have some serious social side effects for you.

ClickSmart 310
NVNews.com (who cleverly try to disguise their name as EnvyNews) have a review of the Logitech ClickSmart 310 Camera. What's special about this camera? Well, it is Logitech's attempt at merging a web cam and a digital camera into one unit.

Active Memory Cool
GideonTech.com has a review of the memory cooler from ThermalTake with the fan on it. They call it the Thermal Take Active Memory Cooler. Does anyone really need to cool their RAM? Probably not, but maybe you think it will make you cool and then the jocks at school will stop beating you up. My advice, if you do read the review, like it, and then decide to purchase it, DO NOT tell anyone at school. Smile


OverclockersOnline (or O² as they call themselves) has a review of the EPoX 8KHA+. This board is based on the VIA KT266A chipset. Apparently this board has the dividers necessary to go up to a 200MHz FSB (effectively 400MHz DDR).


Ellg Computer Case
Ice Hardware has a review of a computer case from Ellg. I was just reading it and checking out the pictures. From what I saw, I know I want one! It looks damned cool.


Arctic Alumina
Bluescreenofdeth (no, that's not a typo) has review Arctic Silver's Arctic Alumina. For those of you who don't know, this is Arctic Silver's value line of thermal paste, which seems to fair as well as non-value products.

Swiftech MCX-370 Review
Virtual-Hideout has the goods on the Swiftech MCX-370 in their lastest review. I can't stress enough how important cooling is and why it is important when building your own computer to read up on heatsinks. Swiftech is up there with Alpha and the likes, so this is something you should check out.

Hands-free cursor
Dan's Data has a cool article posted on a Natural Point's TrackIR, which is a hands free cursor controller. He says it's aimed for the disabled and such, but he also admits this is cool for things such as flight simulators. Smile Whatever your reasons for reading it, it is some damned cool technology.


Sony G420S
The Tech Zone has a review of a very yummy monitor, the Sony G420S. The G420S is a 19" Trinitron monitor (.24 dot pitch). I have a 17" CTX Trinitron and I love it. Sony makes a damn good monitor too boot.

Logitech MarbleMouse
Envy News is sporting a new review of the Logitech MarbleMouse. Why they call it a MarbleMouse I have no idea, because it's a track ball (which I hate). Anyway, if you're in the market for a track ball, check this review out.

Crystal Orb Review
OCTools has a review posted of the Thermaltake Crystal Orb. No, it is not actually made of crystal, but they gave it a shiny look to give off the crystal feeling. Smile I don't know why you would want a crystal Heatsink anyway.


Swiftech MCXC370
VoidYourWarranty.net has a taken a look at the MCXC370 from Swiftech. This one sports some copper and cools pretty well. How well? Well, for that information you'll have to read the review.


Free Stuff!
ExtremeOverclocking is having a big giveaway with tons of prizes. So, if you're in the mood to get some free stuff, you're in luck.

Dan Does 13 More!
Dan at Dan's Data has added 13 new coolers to his already HUGE heatsink database. If you haven't seen this gigantic heatsink comparison page yet, check this out! I'm being very serious, I'm pretty sure this put HardOCPs monthly comparison to shame. Smile


Bye Bye Excite@Home
Excite@Home has been cleared to disconnect. That's right, no more excite! Crazy... well go read up.

Videogame Channel
Videogames are great, but what do you do when you're not playing? Duh, you watch the videogame channel.. or as it will be formally called, G4. G4 will be coming sometime in 2002 and will focus only on videogames. That's great news for all the gamers out there! Now, go read up.


Internet Gambling
Do you like to gamble? Do you like to gamble over the net? Well then, this article is just for you. A revised bill has been created to cut down on internet gambling. Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about internet gambling.. but go read up to find out what the deal is.

KaZaA Can't Stop Music Sharing
KaZaA has been ordered to stop it's users from sharing music, but they claim it's not possible. They say that they're software has been downloaded over 20 million times and it would be impossible to track the users. Here's a tid bit:
The computer program has already been distributed, said KaZaA lawyer Christiaan Alberdink Thijm. KaZaA can't see what sort of files people are sharing or who its users are.
It's a good read, I know you'll enjoy it!

TT Volcano 7
A review of the Thermaltake Volcano 7 has been posted over at Radeonic. This is one of the non-orb looking heatsink/fan units from Thermaltake and from what I hear, they do a pretty good job.

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