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December 2002

6-Port Fan Speed Controller
A Xoxide 6-Port Variable Speed Fan Controller has been given the once over at OCIA. This is one that you most likely will have to strip off the end of your fan connectors (unless you have a bunch of 3 and 4 pin adapters at your disposal).

Western Digital WD400JB
Xtrememods.com has posted a review of the Western Digital WD400JB hard drive. I have two of these in a RAID 0 array in my main PC and boy do these things rock.


Alloy Mouse Mat
Coolermaster makes some pretty cool products. However, their newest product should cost someone their job in my opinion. Hexus.net has a review said product, the Coolermaster Alloy Mouse Mat. It work poorly with optical mice and I'm sure there are better mousing surfaces for ball mice, so what's the point? So your mouse pad matches your aluminum case? Please!


Custom Bayfiller Logo Guide
In 'something I think I haven't seen before' news, a Custom Bayfiller LOGO Guide has been posted at TwistedMods. This might be a little spendy because of the lights, but if you do a good job, it could turn out very nice.

Globalwin CAK4-76T
In cooling news, FrostyTech has taken a look at new socket cooler, the Globalwin CAK4-76T. This is an all copper cooler and FrostyTech has a whole slew of coolers to compare it to.

42 inch Plasma Display
PC Stats has taken a look at a TV that is way out of my price range, the Samsung SPL4225 Tantus 42 inch Plasma Display. Smile All I have to say is, "Daddy like!"

Abit Ti4200 OTES
NexusHardware.com got a hold of an Abit Ti4200 OTES and reviewed it. OTES (Outside Thermal Exhaust System) is the cooling method that makes these cards different from other brands so it is worth a look.


PCStats.com has posted a review of the MSI GNB MAX-FISR. This is a dual channel DDR motherboard. I think its a must read if you want to see how dual channel DDR performs.


Hardware Geometry Processing
I have always liked informational articles. So, I post them as often as I remember/can. Beyond 3D has posted such an article with their write up: Hardware Geometry Processing.
"We all play games, but it's easy to forget how many mathematics and processing power is involved to actually bring you the ultimate realistic 3D game play experience. That fabulous well-endowed female you just shot while playing your first person shooter is actually nothing more than a collection of vertices, polygons, textures, blending and a bunch of other boring math operations."
I haven't done more than skim the article, so you're on your own. However, it should be pretty informative.


Maxtor D540X-4G
Xbitlabs has a in-depth review of the new ATA/133 hard drive from Maxtor, the D540X-4G. Xbitlabs generally has very good reviews and this one is no exception with plenty of benchmarks and analysis.

BIG changes up north
According to BBSpot.com, it looks like some changes might be rollin' around the jolly old elf's workshop. Funny.... I never thought that Mr. Claus was an open-source type of guy.

Santa Switching to Linux???


Reason #420 to pursue teaching as a career
In what is perhaps an innocent youngster's effort to procure higher marks in "penmanship" or "citizenship", this sweet young girl somehow procured a teacher's gift that is somewhat more unconventional than the classic shiny red apple. Mmm.....shiny things.....

Check out the story at FOXNews.com

Tiny MP3 Player & USB Memory Stick
Did you think your MP3 player was cool? What about your USB thumbdrive, is that cool? What if I told you could have both in one unit that played MP3 and WMA and had a built in microphone and 128MB of memory to store your music, recordings, and whatever else your little heart desires? Enter: World's Smallest MP3 Player & USB Memory Stick. It's only about $180 too. Daddy like. Smile


HardOCP Reviews
HardOCP has posted a couple of reviews today. First up is a Radeon 9500 Pro Retail Review (the idea here is to let you see how well the retail card preforms, as opposed to the test card they checked out before). Then, Steve Lynch takes a look at the Swiftech QuietPower [pricey] watercooling and case kit.


"Black", says Pot to Kettle
Frankly, I wish I would have gotten in on this in the early stages. Now everyone go to the library and get all the subscription cards you can find and check "bill me later": it seems like the man responsible for your email spam can't take a little bit of good ol'-style junk mail.

Spam Revenge at Freep.com


New Review
I have just posted a review of Leading Interactive's WinBackup. Check it out. It might make a nice holiday gift for a friend or loved one.
"To most people, keeping the documents that are on your computer is as important as keeping your paper documents. However, unlike their paper counterparts, digital documents cannot physically be put in a fire safe box with a lock (technically they can, but you get my point). This leads up to the fact that we need to backup our computer data if we want any chance of insuring its integrity..."

Iwill P4HT-S i845PE
PCStats.com has posted a Iwill P4HT-S i845PE motherboard review. This motherboard is very... red! It also supports all the latest and greatest Intel technology (HyperThreading and what not) because it's based on the i845. Beware popup haters: this site shows no mercy in the popup arena.


New Intel Compilers
Intel just put out a press release about some new Intel-optimized compilers. I have put up a copy of it locally: New Compilers Speed Up Applications For Intel-Based Systems. The compilers are for Fortran and C++.
"Version 7.0 of Intel® C++ and Intel® Fortran compilers for Windows* and Linux* can improve the performance of applications for Intel® Itanium® 2, Intel® XeonTM and Intel® Pentium® 4 processor-based systems up to 40 percent when compared to compilers currently available from other vendors.**
It seems Fortran will never die.

ASUS V9280 and V9180
LegionHardware has reviewed both the ASUS V9280 and V9180 video cards. One is based on the GeForce4 Ti4600 and the later is based on the Ti4200. I'm sure most of you have seen a thousand GeForce4 reviews by now; but just in case you had not, I posted this one.


VEXX Pre-Modded Case
Virtual-Hideout has posted a Voyeurmod's VEXX Pre-Modded Mid-Tower Case review for your perusal. I think it's safe to say the reviewer likes the paint job:
"When I removed the protective paper, I looked the case over. The very first detail I noticed, was what an awesome paint job this case has. As you can see by the photos, I was sent a silver case, but this is not just any silver paint. This case has been painted with a metallic silver color and then finished with a high gloss clear coat. The pictures do not give the paint job the full respect it deserves."


Next Microsoft operating system will be radical change from XP

"The next version of the world's most popular desktop operating system, code-named "Longhorn," is due out in test form next year and in final form in 2004. It will have a new look and feel, very different from Windows XP's. Its guts will also be radically different from Windows XP's, because they're based on XML -- extensible markup language, the emerging lingua franca of the Internet. And it will be the first version that won't function fully without new hardware."

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